Post Holiday Blues

So I am back from Borneo refreshed and rejuvenated, I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t coming back to my beautiful studio and tattooing such good people. This week has been full of good stuff, I’ve started some new amazing tattoos, added to some older ones and almost finished a couple!

I’ll start with Simon’s skull, he wanted a dark mark but not in the prison style tattoo. He definitely wanted something super badass. Harry Potter tattoos win.


and while he and Kirstie were in Oxford  I got a decent photo of Kirstie’s unfinished spooky lady tattoo


So the big news is obviously that Helen started at the Oxford studio before I went on holiday and she has been thriving! So if anyone wants to get a tattoo by an amazing tattoo artist without a zillion year waiting list then you should definitely take a look at her Website.


Here she is tattooing my good pal Lori

Here is a pic of an avengers tattoo I’ve been working on for a while now


And here is a stag Tattoo I started

deer stencil deertoooo


It’s going to be surrounded by jewels, flowers and lace. Love doing lush girly tattoos <3

Here is a hedgehog, this is part of a huge Radagast the brown themed piece on a leg


Here is a black and grey religious sleeve I’ve almost finished!



Finally I made this tattoo on the lovely Lee Silver….a little stone dreaming his cactus dream, colour to come later


Well, I have to say seeing Jen and Helen again and doing all these lovely tattoos on people have made coming back to my little Oxford tattoo studio a lot nicer than any other time I’ve had to come back off Holiday. Here are some snaps from my jaunt away

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Laters Slaters!

Tattoo life

Hey everyone, it’s been a busy few weeks! I had a great time at the Cardiff tattoo and toy convention with Madame Silver and the guys from Black rabbit.

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We met Jack sparrow, Darth Vader and a bunch of sexy stormtroopers. Mmm tall.I tattooed this lovely mardy poodle lady on Lori-Jade

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I didn’t get a photo of it so I stole this off Lori’s IG, you should follow her if you love vintage clothes, greyhounds and sexy pinup ladies. The whole convention was full of amazing tattooists- in fact some of the best tattoo artists in the country. It was really intimidating, but so inspirational at the same time. I’ll be going back next year. Thankyou to everyone who came to say hello/supported me.

I’ve been pretty busy since getting back, I’ve done some really fun tattoos. I started this lovely day of the dead pinup.

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I’ve been trying out some new equipment and techniques lately and just having fun with things and I’ve loved the results. Here are some peacock feathers I managed to start and finish in the same session.



Here is a little (little! Ha!) thigh tattoo on Chris, I’ve been trying to make it look painty 🙂

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Aaaaand breathe! So the female tattoo show is coming up in September, I’ll be working it with a tonne of really good friends and lots of other sexy ladeez. I’m also looking forward to our guest artists!

In other news I’ve taken on an APPRENTICE! OMG. She’s showing some real potential and helping me out no end with my emails/workload at the shop, Follow her on her Instagram to see how she develops!

Thanks for looking my dears! Hopefully I’ll have more to show and update with from week to week now I am taking more photos.






Hey everyone, it feels like it’s been a long while since I last made a blog post.
Jericho Tattoo Emporium is up and running and is a little slice of heaven.
I love being back in Oxford, and looking forward to moving this weekend so I only have a 20 minute walk to work every morning.
Sooooo the last few weeks have been a bit of a haze of setting up, commuting, going to Raoul’s a lot and generally having fun with Madame Silver, in fact this Saturday she did a little bit of laser tattoo removal patch testing on my various bits and bobs I am not 100% in love with anymore.
Her laser machine actually doesn’t hurt anywhere near as much as my previous experience at other studios…. If you’ve fallen out of love with your tattoo send her an email via her website to have a free consultation/quote

Here is a picture of her touching up a tree, and a juicy margarita from Raoul’s Bar (next door to us)

Another bit of exciting fun is that Jess is coming to guest with us, I tried so hard to make one of those cool montages for IG but could only manage this- its got a few gorgeous examples of her work but you really need to check out her website/FB/IG for more!

and then here are some of the tattoos I’ve been working on
a tattoo of Aku Aku from crash bandicoot, I love tiki stuff and Crash so this was so much fun! love the colour scheme with this, really need to do more tiki inspired drawings

here are Rosie’s feet, latin wolf and fawn. Amazing idea, very lovely and clever lady. I had a blast tattooing her…I don’t think she felt the same way by the end!! no one loves getting their feet done. But she sat like a rock

Ooooh this was a fun one I did just the other day on another lovely lady, hopefully be getting a healed photo of this to show how some of the greys lighten up

Started and finished this on a lovely fellow who travelled all the way from Lincoln, of his pal Sprout who recently passed <3 poor Sprout, but he will live on forever in the form of this tattoo sprout

And I’ve been tattooing Claire for a while and finally finished this bad boy, now here is the thing- I took a bunch of Photos and not one of them was usable apart from this one which is only half the bloody tattoo! Oh well, I’m sure she will be back (totally addicted haha) so I’ll be able to get a healed one!

So anyways, I am really looking forward to summer in Oxford- especially as it means I get to treat all my customers and friends to some lovely times in Oxfordshire in the next few months and have some brill adventures.


Obligatory Christmas post!

Hey everyone, so on Friday I had my last day at picture house in Chippenham- which was sad but I am happy to have met some wonderful people and had a well needed “good time” at work for the last 3 months!
Who knew that was even possible?


I will miss those crazy people, but will see them on the regs at conventions next year!
here is a tattoo I did on my last day

pissed up old tomcat on Ed, I want to do more like this!

The good news is I have found a permanent place to work in Jericho in Oxford as of February 2014 and will officially be an Oxford tattooist! It’s a private studio in the heart of Jericho, 5 minutes walk from Oxford train station. So it is mega easy for all you Reading and Berkshire people to get to. If you have an appointment with me I will be phoning you to tell you where it is don’t worry!

Here is a christmassy tattoo I managed to get a totally healed photo of recently

I’ll keep you all updated on the Oxford antics and once I move all my stuff to the new studio I’ll snap some pics!
I hope everyone has a good christmas and a happy new year!